North Dundas Business Expo is Back!
Apr 24, 2023Friends, I'm so excited about this, I can barely contain it! After a 3-year hiatus, the North Dundas Local Business Expo is back, and we are going to be a part of it on Saturday, April 29, 2023, from 9:00 to 3:00 ET.
This is a fantastic event, held at the Joel Steele Community Centre in Winchester, and will feature over 100 local businesses of all types and sizes. Please make sure you come out and say hello, discover some incredible things going on in our community, and watch some great presentations.
I'll have a booth there, talking about all things health and wellness, what we do, and what we're going to be releasing in the next few months, and I'll be presenting twice.
At 9:30 AM ET I'll be leading a 15-minute Fun Chair Yoga Practice for the Whole Family and at 12:00 PM ET I'll be giving a Ted-style talk on Mood-Boosting Mindset Tips.
I really hope to see you there, I'll have lots of great info, swag, smiles, and good energy for you.
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