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Foodie Friday - Stop Eating What a Toddler Eats

Feb 03, 2023

I said what I said.

If you’re an averagely healthy adult, working a job, doing daily activities, and exercising even just once or twice a week, 1200 calories per day will not be enough to sustainably keep you healthy.

Crash diets don’t work.

In fact, most commercially available diets don’t work, including this ridiculous notion that all adults should subsist on 1200 calories/day.

“Almond Moms”, anyone?

This is why a registered dietician or a certified nutrition coach is so important.

I don’t recommend commercial diet plans, I don’t recommend food elimination unless there’s a health or moral reason, and even then, I want to work closely together with a client to ensure they get the best nutrition possible, including liaising with their primary care providers (with patient permission) to ensure everyone is in agreement.

Stay tuned more more “spilling the tea” on nutrition, coming soon!

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