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Wellness Wednesday - Touch the Earth

Apr 20, 2022

Today, take a moment to connect to the Earth.

You know, that big, blue ball that floats through space?

The one we live on, but don't always give a second thought to?

Yeah, that Earth.

Connect with it today.

Earth day is coming and we need to realize that we are more alike with Her than we are different.

We come from Her.

We return to Her.

And the more we get disconnected, the more rootless and ungrounded we feel.

The less we absorb.

The less we heal.

So please, take today and actually TOUCH the Earth. Feel Her. Put your toes on the grass (if you don't have sensory processing issues like me), or feel your footsteps on the ground.

Touch the warming soil, breathe in its scent.

Smell and see and feel and hear the Earth as She awakens from her slumber in the Northern Hemisphere, or as She prepares for slumber in the Southern Hemisphere.

If you can, go for a nature walk or a forest bathing walk today.

Take a moment to physically connect with the Earth. Slow down and be present.

Feel as you ground, find your roots, to the Earth.

Then move forward with this in your heart for the rest of your day.



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