HealthGirl Blog

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Technique Tuesday - Can't Forward Fold? Try This! Nov 22, 2022

So many people have challenges with forward folds - it’s VERY common!

All you need to do is experiment and find what works for you!

Modifying is NOT cheating - it’s getting you where you want to go safely and comfortably ♥

Want more? Join me in the AnyTime Studio for unlimited...

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Monday Motivation - Embrace Your Inner Light Nov 21, 2022

Feeling tense?

Feeling like you could “snap” - either physically or mentally?

Yoga isn’t really about contorting into a pretzel.

It’s about learning to soften.

Learning to allow your mind and body to release tension in the midst of effort so that you can learn to bend.


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Who The Heck Is Meghann Lynch? Nov 21, 2022

Hey friends! It's time to answer another of my most-asked questions about HealthGirl, and this week I'm answering the very common question, "Who are you?"

Here it is!

Want more helpful info? Join me on the AnyTime Studio here or in my in person classes at Bodhi Tree Yoga in Kemptville on Tuesday...

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Thoughtful Thursday - Yoga Is For Everyone! Nov 17, 2022

Welcome to a Thoughtful Thursday for you -

So many people are scared to try yoga because they think it’s all contortions and balances.

Or because they think you have to be perfectly calm and at ease to do it.

It’s not.

It’s about slowly building your confidence in...

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Yes, You Should "Treat" Yourself! Nov 16, 2022

Hey you! Yes you! You’ve been talking for AGES about joining me at a yoga class, so here is your push to DO IT!
I’m in person at Bodhi Tree Yoga in Kemptville on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:00AM and live online for FREE on Saturdays when you join our AnyTime Studio community on...

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Motivation Monday - Why I Started HealthGirl, And Why You Should Join Nov 16, 2022

So many people ask me, "Why HealthGirl? What's the big deal?"

In today's quick video, I talk about exactly that - why I started HealthGirl and why it is so important for your health and wellbeing to be a part of our community.

You see, HealthGirl was born out of necessity - I saw so many friends,...

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Your Weaknesses Are Your Superpowers Nov 07, 2022

A consistent yoga practice helps us recognize our limitations, and then use those as our unique strengths.
By seeing ourselves as flesh and blood, as imperfect, we release our need for perfection.
By releasing our need for perfection, we concentrate on the NOW.
By concentrating on the now, we can...

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Motivation Monday - Why Progress is NEVER Linear! Nov 07, 2022

So many of my students and coaching clients tell me that it is so hard to reach their goals because they can't stay motivated, or that they lack the discipline to see them through. Here's a video on why 100% motivation and discipline aren't really the keys to your success.

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Motivation Monday - Why You DON'T Have the Same 24 Hours Oct 31, 2022

Your Monday Motivation is here, with why we DON’T all have the same 24 hours, why that’s a good thing, and why your unique journey is worth celebrating.
Have a great day, a great week, and if you’d like to add a bit of fun to your wellness, feel free to join me Tuesday and...

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Fall Classes Are Here! Sep 25, 2022

The leaves they are a changin', the weather is getting cooler, the apples are ready for harvest.

That can only mean one thing - fall is here!

With autumn comes a myriad of new and fun things to do to help you be healthy and well in body and mind, including some fantastic classes that I'm so happy...

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Holistic Living Series - Sleep Sep 23, 2022

In a world where everything seems to shout at us to move and do more, we often find that sleep becomes elusive, and no wonder! With so many things vying for our attention, it is hard for our brains and bodies to calm and slow.

The fact remains, however, that sleep it vital for recovery of...

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Autumn Equinox Shows Us Progress and Gratitude Sep 19, 2022

Welcome to fall! The leaves are turning, the apples are ripe, the harvest is coming in, and we can start to see the season changing to cooler, darker days, leading to hibernation and winter months.

Whether you are a fan of pumpkin spice or not (I'm not going to enter that debate!), we can all...

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