HealthGirl Blog

Get a Cup of Tea and Let's Hang Out Together!

Daily Affirmation: I Am Whole Jun 27, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am whole."
Repeat it as often as you need.
You've never been broken, even if sometimes it feels that way.
You've never been "less than", nor will you ever need to be "fixed".
You always have been whole.
See you tomorrow :)
Cheers to your good health,

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Ignite Your Inner Strength on Your Wellness Journey! Jun 26, 2023

Hello, my amazing friend on the path to wellness! Today, let's dive into the extraordinary journey of mind and body wellness. It's a journey that's filled with triumphs, challenges, and moments of self-discovery. Just like Mary Oliver's poem, "The Journey," (which we'll be excerpting from today) cap...

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Daily Affirmation: I Overcome Challenges Jun 26, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I overcome challenges."
Repeat it as often as you need.
I know life throws you curveballs, and sometimes it feels like they wallop you right in the face.
It's tempting to throw in the towel, but please don't.
Remember how good you are at solving problems and how...

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Daily Affirmation: My Best is Enough Jun 25, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "My best is enough."
Repeat it as often as you need.
I know it can be hard when someone doesn't think you're doing enough.
If you're doing your best, that is enough because you are enough.
Don't burn yourself out for someone else's unrealistic expectations of you...

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Daily Affirmation: I Am Allowed to Be What I Want to Be Jun 24, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am allowed to be what I want to be."
Repeat it as often as you need.
Throughout your life, you've been told, "no" to what you want to do, and who you want to be.
It's time to stop listening to those voices.
Be who you want to be.
The world needs authentic peop...

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Daily Affirmation: I Accept Myself As I Am Jun 23, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I accept myself as I am."
Repeat it as often as you need.
It takes time for many to accept who they are without fear of reprisals from others, or even ourselves, but it's worth it.
And it's so damn freeing.
You are who you are, and that's a good thing.
Accept you...

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Daily Affirmation: I Make Today Great Jun 22, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am making today a great day."
Repeat it as often as you need.
Let's face it; some days are better than others, but we always are in control of how we see each day.
We can decide to have a good attitude and make it great, or see the glass as half empty and mak...

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Daily Affirmation: I Am Becoming My Highest Self Jun 21, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am becoming my highest self."
Repeat it as often as you need.
Just as a caterpillar goes through an evolution to become a butterfly, sometimes our own growth feels messy, ugly, and definitely not "social media-worthy".
That's ok. Believe that you're becoming ...

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Daily Affirmation: My Only Competition is Me Jun 20, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "My only competition is me."
Repeat it as often as you need.
It's easy to compare yourself to others - pretty much everything in our society is built around that.
The reality is that no one is you, so no one can accurately compete with you, and vice versa.
Only c...

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Daily Affirmation: I Am Healing Jun 19, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am healing."
Repeat it as often as you need.
You are a human, living a human experience.
As such, you will have hurts, traumas, physical and mental, that will accumulate over time.
Those hurts can manifest in more ways than one, and you are allowed to heal fro...

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Embrace Your Journey: Celebrate Your Achievements and Soar! Jun 19, 2023

Welcome, friend, to a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Today, I want to remind you of the incredible person you are and all the amazing things you have accomplished in life. It's time to celebrate your victories, big and small, and harness that confidence and belief in yourself to achieve ...

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Daily Affirmation: I Say No Without Guilt Jun 18, 2023

Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I say No without guilt."
Repeat it as often as you need.
It's time to stop being so agreeable, especially when it's to your detriment.
Say No.
Say No, and let it go. No guilt, no shame.
Just No.
See you tomorrow :)
Cheers to your good health,

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