HealthGirl Blog
Get a Cup of Tea and Let's Hang Out Together!
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am living in my power."
Repeat it as often as you need.
We know you are powerful.
Now you need to not just believe it but live in it.
Live in your power, stand in your power, let yourself take up space, be loud, kick butt.
See you tomorrow :)
Cheers to your good...
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am capable."
Repeat it as often as you need.
Maybe someone tried to make you feel that you couldn't do something you wanted to do.
That's on them, honey, you are capable, you can do it.
I believe in you.
See you tomorrow :)
Cheers to your good health,
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am hardworking."
Repeat it as often as you need.
Our productivity culture can often make us feel like we are falling behind, not working enough or "lazy".
You're not lazy, you're working hard and doing the best you can.
See you tomorrow :)
Cheers to your good ...
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am shining my light for the good of all."
Repeat it as often as you need.
Shine your light. Don't ever dim it for anyone - your light is needed in this world and you have a greater effect than you'll ever know.
See you tomorrow :)
Cheers to your good health,
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am allowed to make mistakes."
Please repeat it as often as you need.
Perfection doesn't exist. Mistakes are okay and can help you learn. Give yourself permission to make mistakes.
See you tomorrow :)
Cheers to your good health,
Princess Peach, my 6-month-old Boston Terrier puppy,Ā has her spay surgery today. To say I'm anxious would be an understatement. There are so many things that could go wrong, so many possibilities, and so many bad outcomes that my brainĀ has a hard time seeing all of the benefits o
...Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I can sit with my thoughts and be okay."
Please repeat it as often as you need.
Your thoughts will only slow, never stop, and that is ok. Your thoughts aren't always the truth, and that is ok. You are allowed to acknowledge them, and let them go.
See you tomorr...
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am accepting myself."
Please repeat it as often as you need.
There is nothing you need to change. Ever.
See you tomorrow :)
Cheers to your good health,
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am exercising to celebrate my body."
Please repeat it as often as you need.
Exercise should never be a punishment, only a celebration of what your body can do now - don't worry about what it could do in the past or future.
See you tomorrow :)
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am caring for myself daily."
Please repeat it as often as you need.
Investing in yourself is never a waste.
You are worth taking care of.
See you tomorrow :)
Cheers to your good health,
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am present."
Please repeat it as often as you need.
This moment only happens once, stay with it.
See you tomorrow :)
Cheers to your good health,
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Repeat after me, "I am living sustainably."
Please repeat it as often as you need.
You can only burn the candle at both ends for so long until it burns you up. Your life deserves balance.
See you tomorrow :)
Cheers to your good health,