HealthGirl Blog

Get a Cup of Tea and Let's Hang Out Together!

Can You Be Present? Mar 27, 2023

Happy Monday! Welcome to a new week, full of things that will draw your attention, telling you, "LOOK OVER HERE! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!"

Before this week, day, hour, minute gets completely away from you, can we take a moment to step back, take a deep breath, and allow a bit of presence into your day?...

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5 QUICK Myths Surrounding Meditation Mar 22, 2023

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That very word brings up a whole host of thoughts, doesn't it? Maybe you think it's just sitting still, or it's making your mind super quiet, and you think there is no way you could ever do it...

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Technique Tuesday - Warrior 3, Part 3 Mar 21, 2023

Make sure to sign up for our emails to get this delivered to your inbox each week!

Let’s continue our Technique Tuesday series with a new variation of last week's posture, Warrior 3, also called Airplane or Virabhadrasana 3.

This is a series of videos where each video shows different modifications...

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Thank You For a Wonderful Day - There's More! Mar 20, 2023

I can’t even begin to describe how happy and grateful I am.

What an amazing workshop yesterday with such great community.

Thank you to everyone who joined in the workshop for a fantastic afternoon of breath work and mindfulness meditation - your presence and openness was such a gift and blessing.

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Motivation Monday - Breaking Habits Mar 20, 2023

“Old habits take years to form. Forgive yourself if it takes more than a day to break them,” Mel Robbins

We all have habits we'd prefer not to, and when I'm speaking with my coaching clients, one of the biggest things we talk about is that habits are like driving a cart along the same dirt road ove...

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Self Care Saturday - A Week Of Simple Pleasures Mar 18, 2023

Self care Saturday was a little late in posting, but not late in the doing. Remember that self care isn’t a luxury, and doesn’t have to be anything grandiose or expensive. 

This week I tried a new recipe, did some foam rolling, snuggles, walked and played with my puppy, did my own nails, did moveme...

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That Time I Almost Had a Breakdown in the Grocery Store, and This Thing Saved My Bacon Mar 17, 2023

I have anxiety. You know it, I know it, most people who come to the blog or my classes know it. Grocery stores in particular are hard for me, and cause very serious anxiety attacks.

One day I was trying to shop, and hubby had asked for ham (I know I said bacon in the title but this is easier), and ...

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Technique Tuesday - Warrior 3 Part 2 Mar 14, 2023

Make sure to sign up for our emails to get this delivered to your inbox each week!

Let’s continue our Technique Tuesday series with a new variation of last week's posture, Warrior 3, also called Airplane or Virabhadrasana 3.

This is a series of videos where each video shows different modifications...

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Motivation Monday - Become Free Mar 13, 2023

"The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others, and the moment you are unafraid of the

crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom."

~ Osho

We all have that conditioning in us, some more so than others, but it still is ...

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Allow Me to (re)Introduce Myself! Mar 10, 2023

It’s been a while since I said hello and introduced myself, so here goes:

Hi! My name is Meghann!

I’m a certified RYT-500 yoga teacher, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach and Wellness Bestie (ok I made that last one up 😜).

I’m a dog mom to Peach the Boston Terrier and wife to Brennan.

I love to pl...

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Get Better Sleep - In Depth! Mar 08, 2023

As promised, we get into the nitty-gritty to get you some good, restful, tranquil SLEEP 😴  

Check it out now, and start getting the best sleep of your life tonight ♥️ 



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Technique Tuesday - Warrior 3 Part 1 Mar 07, 2023

Make sure to sign up for our emails to get this delivered to your inbox each week!

Let’s continue our Technique Tuesday series with a new posture, this time Warrior 3, also called Airplane or Virabhadrasana 3.

This is a series of videos where each video shows different modifications to help you fi...

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