HealthGirl Blog

Get a Cup of Tea and Let's Hang Out Together!

Technique Tuesday - Triangle Variations Pt. 2 Apr 19, 2022

Hello and welcome to a new Techniques Tuesday, where we'll be exploring Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose. Today is a second stage, where we go a little deeper.

As always, listen to your body, rest and modify as needed, and stop if you feel ANY pain. While this is a pose often used in yoga classes,...

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Motivation Monday - Be Patient With Yourself Apr 18, 2022

(Image by @thoughtandcolor via Instagram)

They say patience is a virtue.

I don't know who "they" are, but I certainly have days where I am really lacking in that virtue!

Here's the thing, though; we really need to learn it, especially when it comes to ourselves and our goals.

When you...

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Thoughtful Thursday - Do You Allow Yourself to Feel? Apr 14, 2022

(Image by @iamtaniahart via Instagram)

Take a quiet moment for yourself.

Place a hand over your heart space and one over your abdomen.

Close your eyes if you are comfortable.

Whether you are seated or standing, notice how you feel.

How do you feel, right now, in this moment?

What emotions are...

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Wellness Wednesday - Breathe to Heal Apr 13, 2022

Let's take a moment, just a moment, and breathe.

Sit for a moment, finding your comfortable seat, so that you are sturdy and grounded.

Relax your shoulders away from your ears.

Place a hand over your heart space, another over your abdomen.

Feel your breath as you breathe naturally.

Just notice...

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Technique Tuesday - Triangle Variations Pt. 1 Apr 12, 2022

Hello and welcome to a new Techniques Tuesday, where we'll be exploring Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose. Today is a beginner modified version in a standing pose, but in future variations, we will explore also a seated chair version, so stay tuned over the following weeks for information on that as...

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Motivation Monday - Stop Overthinking and GO For It! Apr 11, 2022

(Image via @thrive.virtually on Instagram)

We've all been there. 

We know what we *have* to do.

Maybe we even *want* to do it.

But we get caught up in the "how's", "why's", "what-if's", "when's".

We get so caught up in the nitty-gritty, and trying to make it all "perfect", or waiting...

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Technique Tuesday - Open Hips and Shoulders Pt. 3 Apr 05, 2022

We continue our exploration of a hips and shoulders opening flow this week, with a level 3 variation. This is the "most advanced" variation of the gentle flow we started 2 weeks ago. For more modifications, be sure to check out last Tuesday's post for Part 2, or the previous Tuesday's...

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Motivation Monday - Plan Your Week of YOU Apr 04, 2022

Happy Monday!

It's a new week - how will you make the most of it?

I don't mean by "being productive" in our society's sense of the word, where you judge your worth by your hustle or productivity or sales.

I mean, how will you make the most of your week with YOU?

Move your body at least 10...

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Self Care Saturday - How Do You Rest? Apr 02, 2022

Happy Saturday! Hopefully this is a day off for you (if not, re-read this on your "Saturday", whatever that is for you!), and I hope you are enjoying being in the present moment, at least a little bit.

Take a breath.

Let your shoulders drop from your ears, belly soften a bit.

Close your eyes.


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Foodie Friday - No-Sugar-Added Iced Tea Apr 01, 2022

So I've had this recipe floating around my house for a few years, and every time someone comes to my house I make it.


Because Every. Single. Person. LOVES IT.

Full Stop.

It's easy, affordable, non-caffeinated, no-sugar-added and incredibly delicious. Great for staying hydrated any time of...

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Thoughtful Thursday - Build Relaxation Into Your Days Mar 31, 2022

(Image credit @myintegrativetherapist via Instagram)

Really, the caption in the image says it all.

We rush through life, producing, hustling, rush, hurry, grind, cram.

Then we get to the end of the day, the week, or finally to our vacation and what happens?

We crash and burn, baby.

We realize...

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Wellness Wednesday - Grow Your Own for Ease and Economy! Mar 30, 2022

Ok, it's no secret I love my veggies, I've been vegan for over 10 years.

But THIS. This is taking eating healthily on a budget to a whole new level!

The last few years have shown us rising prices, impacted supply chains, and foods that aren't always available when we go shopping. For a while, it...

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